Utah Tech University

Learning Outcomes

  1. Identify accounting, tax, auditing, and ethical issues in structured and unstructured fact-based situations.
    • Students will identify the problem and acknowledge reasons for enduring uncertainty and absence of a single “correct” solution.
    • Students will identify relevant information and uncertainties embedded in the information.
  2. Perform and gather research using the professional body of knowledge in the accounting discipline.
    • Students will interpret information by:
      • Recognizing and controlling for personal bias.
      • Articulating assumptions and reasoning associated with alternative points of view.
      • Qualitatively interpreting evidence from a variety of points of view.
      • Organizing information in meaningful ways that encompass problem complexities.
  3. Use a range of techniques to perform analysis, synthesize information, and draw conclusions.
    • After thorough analysis, students will develop and use reasonable guidelines for prioritizing issues and choosing among options
    • Students will efficiently implement conclusions, involving others as needed.
  4. Communicate effectively in quantitative and qualitative terms through writing and speaking.
    • Students will acknowledge and explain limitations of endorsed solutions.
    • Students will integrate skills in on-going processes for generating and using information to monitor strategies and make reasonable modifications.